Friday, January 21, 2011


I'm addicted.

Honestly, where has it been all of my life? Skype is clearly an amazing tool!

The only reason why I had registered for it in the first place was because I could talk to my dad, my stepmother and stepbrother via webcam; he lives in Pennsylvania and it's something different than just talking on the phone in between staying with him in the summers and visiting during spring break.

Another plus is that I'll be able to use it when I'm in Pennsylvania this summer as well to see my friends on occasion, which will be really nice at times. Believe it or not, I do miss Iowa a little bit when I'm gone.

Well along the way, I found out a lot of people also have Skype and ever since I have been thoroughly entertained. First of all, even though none of us have the group video chat feature, hearing what we all have to say is funny in and of itself. It's an extremely convenient way to communicate with the people in my life.

Furthermore, I have become much closer to a lot of friends that I had either lost touch with or just hadn't talked to in a while. It's something enjoyable to do when you're done with everything for the night and you're just bored. God knows that the winter robs you of all motivation, and it's too cold to do much for long. How upsetting.

But seriously, when Clayton Sampson has an account on something, you just know that it's legitimate. There's no getting around that; you can't even try to deny it so please don't. Everyone knows that it's completely and totally true.

I can tell you that I'm more than likely going to be video chatting with Amanda Bennett and Tanner Bernhard tonight. There's no doubt about that.

I think that it would be a good time to go sign up for Skype right now if you don't already use this godly program: make your friends get it, too. You probably will not regret it.

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