Saturday, February 5, 2011

G-O-D of the C-O-D

I have a secret for you: I'm a closet Call of Duty junkie. I haven't played obsessively since August, but I honestly played it all of the time this summer. I go to visit my pops in the summer in Pennsylvania, and my step mom bought him Call of Duty for Father's Day this year. This was not only a source of entertainment for him, but for me as well.

During the week, my dad and step mom work daily; my brother goes to daycare. That leaves me and my sister. Well, I became accustomed to CoD and soon realized why all of the male population at school enjoys this game. You just get so absorbed into it; you say a few too many swear words, and you accomplish nothing.

I worked literally all summer on improving my kill streak when I wasn't doing family activities or swimming. Call of Duty is incredibly addicting, and I will be the first to admit it. I camped like no other, and scored some major kills in my time of doing so. Yes, I camp.

But what perhaps might be the biggest upset of all is that I'm a girl. Playing CoD. There must be some unwritten rule about girls playing video games, like it's not supposed to happen or something. Most girls hate video games, and I just don't. So because of some sexist humor, I'm not entitled to play video games. That's pretty cool; not.

I grew up having a Playstation, one of the greatest video gaming consoles known to man. I loved games like Spyro and Tomb Raider. I have shifted my love to games like De Blob and Call of Duty.

I broke my 6 month streak of not playing Call of Duty on Wednesday.
It was the best day of my life.


  1. Okay I seriously don't get what the big deal is about video games? Iv'e played then before but they always gave me a headache from looking at the screen for so long so I still don't get what the big deal is.

  2. OMG HALEY NO! You don't even know what you're talking about!!!

  3. I love COD as well but i'm probally not a die for fan like you. My kd is probally 1:30. haha! That is very pathetic but the game is very fun to play. I started this summer so that is probally why I suck at playing COD but the game is a blast.

  4. First thing I have to say, I hate campers. It's not very fun when one person is looking down a hallway with their ADS up and waiting for people to walk in. I can probably assume that if I ever played against you I would be upset that you camp. Camper.

  5. Wow, Ryan, that deeply offended me...:( I'm sorry that you feel that way.
    Hahaha no but really ,we'll see who trumps who then.

  6. often do you even play anymore? never, and alysha me and Jordan Feuring were playing the other day when we heard this squeeky voice. now first of all when i play and i hear a voice like that, the first thing i think is it's a beiber spawn. So i got to wondering if this person was a girl or not and so i asked...she said she was a girl and she was doing better than me! now normally my k/dr is above 2.0 and it 1.) just made everything feel ackward playing with a girl and 2.) she was beating me! so i have nothing against you playing CoD alysha...just don't's bad for your health :)

  7. Hahahah I love you, Justin. THanks for the advice. :)
