Saturday, February 12, 2011

Licensed to kill...I mean drive.

Recently, two months after my sixteenth birthday, I finally picked up my license.

Yeah, I know what you might be thinking; I shouldn't be "allowed" to drive, I'm probably a reckless driver who's going to total her car before the end of the month.

All I can say is that is not true. I am a very responsible driver. All of my friends make fun of me because I'm so careful when I drive, but honestly why would I want to a) total my Mustang and b) get my license taken away? Clearly both of those choices aren't ideal, and my friends are just adrenaline junkie idiots. Which, I can attest to.

Well, last night I was cruising around with my sister - cruising is the best thing ever - and a girl from my school was trailing us. I knew exactly who it was because of her car. Now, I like her as a person, but as a driver she is just horrible! She shotgunned around us after riding my tail for a good mile or so, and another car was coming from the opposite way while she was passing me. That's the stupidest thing ever, at least make sure that the road is clear before you go 40 in a 25 order to pass me?

I think it's stupid how a lot of teenagers drive, and how a majority also text while driving? I like my freedom, but a lot of people abuse it by doing the stupidest things. Driving is a privilege, not a right.

As long as they stay away from me when I'm driving, I don't really care what they do.

The only thing is, even though there's all of these laws put in place about using technology while driving or driving reckless, a lot of these kids get away with it anyway. I just want to get my full license and not have to keep waiting to do so, so I'd rather take my time to get where I need to be instead of endangering myself and everyone else in the car. I want to be a driver that people feel safe being in the car with, and that's it.


  1. Woo! Congrats on getting your license!! :D Also, I completly agree with you on the reckless driving portion. I dislike how many teenagers drive recklessly. Then they say that they are the best at driving! It annoys me. Now, I'm not saying I drive the best but I understand the difference between a new driver or a reckless driver.

  2. Congrats on your licnese! :) I don't think too many teenagers think about the repercusions that come with using technology while driving. I would cry if my license was taken away or I got into an accident. I TOTALLY agree with the comment that driving is a privilage not a right.

  3. Thanks guys! I'm glad to know that people agree with me on this topic!

  4. I know how you feel about your friends making fun of the way you drive my friends and family make fun of me too. It sucks.
